09. Microprocessor and Digital Systems (METE 3350U), Winter 2020 - Winter 2023 Teaching, Ontario Tech University.
​07. Sensors and Instrumentation (METE 3200U), Winter 2019- Winter 2023, Course and lab development and teaching, Ontario Tech University.
06. Statics (MECE 2230U)- Section 01 and 08, Fall 2018, Course coordinator and teaching, Ontario Tech University.
05. Statics (MECE 2230U)- Section 07, Fall 2017, Teaching, Ontario Tech University.
04. Kinematics of Machinery, 2017/03/01 -2017/06/17, Teaching lectures and provision of SW training sessions, Chungnam National University (South Korea).
03. Engineering Measurements for Biosystems & Exercise, 2017/03/01 -2017/06/17, Teaching lectures and provision of SW training sessions, Chungnam National University (South Korea).
02. Introduction to Biosystem's Advanced Technologies, 2017/03/01 -2017/06/17, Course development and teaching, Chungnam National University (South Korea).
01. Biosystems Robot Engineering, 2016/09/01 -2016/12/17, Teaching, Chungnam National University (South Korea).
03. Advanced Fluid Power Control and Simulation (ENGR 5005G), Summer 2018- Summer 2022, and Spring 2023, Teaching lectures and provision of SW training sessions, Ontario Tech Univ.
​02. Research in Agricultural Convergence Systems, 2017/03/01 -2017/06/17, Teaching lectures and provision of SW training sessions, Chungnam National University (South Korea).
01. Agricultural Robotics, 2016/09/01 -2016/12/17, Teaching, Chungnam National University (South Korea).