Conference Papers
Conference Papers
68. Baghyari, F., Parsons, T., and Seo, J., Study of the optimal number of clusters proportional to the number of available vehicles for the cluster-first-route-second problem, CSME 2024, 2024, accepted.
67. Rasul, A., Seo, J., Kim, W., and Lee, M., Optimal path generation and real-time scheduling for autonomous mobile platforms, 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2024 (Apr), DOI: 10.1109/SysCon61195.2024.10553563
-> Selected as the 2024 IEEE SysCon best conference paper!
66. Baghyari, F. and Seo, J., Deploying multiple vehicles for snow plowing using Smart Selective Navigator and its effect, The 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2023), 2023 (Dec), pp. 941 - 944, DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS59377.2023.10316886.
65. Parsons, T. and Seo, J., FS-ACO: An Algorithm for Unsafe U-Turn Detours in Service Vehicle Route Optimization Applications, The 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2023), 2023 (Oct), pp. 937 - 940, DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS59377.2023.10316850.
64. Parsons, T., Seo, J., and Livesey, D., Waste collection route optimization for the city of Oshawa, 2023 International Conference on SmartRail, Traffic, and Transportation Engineering (ICSTTE 2023).
63. Zaman, A. and Seo, J., Development of an autonomous flying excavator, The 1st International Electronic Conference on Machines and Applications, 2022 (15 Sep), Engineering Proceedings, 2022, vol. 24(1), 4, DOI: 10.3390/IECMA2022-12909.
62. Hanafi Sheikhha, F. and Seo, J., A real-time estimation method of soil-bucket interaction of an autonomous excavator via marching cube and constructive solid geometry methods, The 1st International Electronic Conference on Machines and Applications, 2022 (15 Sep), Engineering Proceedings, 2022, vol. 24(1), 1, DOI: 10.3390/IECMA2022-12903.
61. Ahmadi Khiyavi, O., Seo, J., and Lin, X., Energy-saving in an autonomous excavator via parallel actuators design and PSO-based excavation path generation, The 1st International Electronic Conference on Machines and Applications, 2022 (15 Sep), Engineering Proceedings, 2022, vol. 24(1), 5, DOI: 10.3390/IECMA2022-12896.
60. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Development of a model-free adaptive steering control for autonomous vehicles path tracking using cost-based gain adaptation with integral action, CSME 2022, 2022 (5-8 June).
59. Afzalaghaeinaeini, A., Seo, J., Lee. D., and Lee, H., Design of a LIOR-based de-dust filter for lidar sensors in off-road vehicles, 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, session: Sensing for Robotics and Automation, 2021 (1 Nov), Engineering Proceedings, 2021, vol. 10(1), 70, DOI: 10.3390/ecsa-8-11338.
58. Hanafi Sheikhha, F., Afzalaghaeinaeini, A., and Seo, J., Collaborative tracking control strategy for autonomous excavation of a hydraulic excavator, 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, session: Application, 2021 (1 Nov), Engineering Proceedings, 2021, vol. 10(1), 43, DOI: 10.3390/ecsa-8-11333.
57. Hanafi Sheikhha, F. and Seo, J. Surface Reconstruction for ground map generation in autonomous excavation, 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, session: Sensing for Robotics and Automation, 2021 (1 Nov), Engineering Proceedings, 2021, vol. 10(1), 17, DOI: 10.3390/ecsa-8-11296.
56. Rasul, A., Seo, J. Xu, S., Kwon, T., MacLean, J., and Brown, C., Snowplow route optimization using Chinese postman problem and tabu search algorithm, 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in the Construction (ISARC 2021), 2021 (2-4 Nov), pp. 403-409, DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2021/0056.
55. Rasul, A., Khajepour, A., and Seo, J., Effective ground mapping for autonomous excavation, The 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2021), 2021 (12-15 Oct), DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS52745.2021.9650067.
54. Weber, K. and Seo, J., A mobile robotic application of naive multi-directional stitching with SIFT, The 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2021), 2021 (12-15 Oct), DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS52745.2021.9649791.
53. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Development of an adaptive weighted prediction-based model predictive control using disturbance estimation for longitudinal autonomous driving, Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress, 2021 (Jun), vol. 4, DOI:10.32393/csme.2021.130.
52. Seo., J., Cha, M., Oh, K., Park, Y., and Kwon, T., Development of steering control algorithms with self-tuning fuzzy PID for all-terrain cranes, The 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2020), 2020 (13-16 Oct), DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS50221.2020.9268346.
51. Reginald, N. and Seo., J., Rasul, A, Development of an integrated tracking control algorithm for digging operations of an excavator, The 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2020), 2020 (13-16 Oct), DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS50221.2020.9268434.
50. Rasul, A, Seo, J., Oh, K., Khajepour, A., and Reginald, N., Predicted safety algorithms for autonomous excavators using a 3D LiDAR sensor, 2020 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2020 (24 Aug-27 Aug), DOI: 10.1109/SysCon47679.2020.9275854.
49. Reginald, N., Seo, J., and Rasul, A., Tracking control of force/position and contour for an excavator with co-simulation, 2020 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2020 (30 Aug-2 Sept), DOI: 10.1109/CCECE47787.2020.9255683.
48. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Development and evaluation of a sliding mode observer based sensor fault reconstruction algorithm for DC motors, Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2020, vol. 3, Jun. 2020, DOI: 10.32393/csme.2020.1179.
47. Oh, K. and Seo, J., A fault-tolerant steering control algorithm using MPC for driving safety of all-terrain cranes, Proceedings of CSME-CFDSC Congress 2019, 2019, 6 pages.
46. Reginald, N. and Seo, J., Force/position control for an excavator with contour control compensation, 2019 CCToMM Symposium, 2019, 8 pages.
45. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Online tuning rule-based adaptive speed control algorithm for DC motors using recursive least squares with forgetting, Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2018, 2018, pp. 1-5.
44. Oh, K. and Seo, J., An adaptive position control algorithm of a DC motor based on the first-order approximation using recursive least squares with forgetting, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2017), 2017, pp. 1858-1861.
43. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Perceptron learning-based driving characteristic derivation algorithm for personalized autonomous vehicles, Proceedings of KSAE 2016 Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2016, pp. 1089-1090.
42. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Development and performance evaluation of a disturbance observer-based steering control algorithm for all-terrain crane, Proceedings of 2016 Autumn Conference on Drive and Control, 2016, pp. 105-107.
41. Oh, K. and Seo, J., Laser scanner based probabilistic behavior prediction algorithm using Kalman filter and geometry information, Proceedings of 2016 Autumn Conference on Drive and Control, 2016, pp. 116-118.
40. Moon, S., Seo, J., Song, J. and Kim, Y., Study on dynamic characteristics of swing system in excavator according to working part’s motion, Proceedings of Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 2016 Autumn Conference, 2016, pp. 98.
39. Oh, M., Seo, J., and Jung, S., Implementation of sliding mode control for an excavator system, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2016), 2016, pp. 1410-1411.
38. Oh, K. and Seo, J.,and Han, J., LQR-based adaptive steering control algorithm of multi-axle crane for improving driver's steering efficiency and dynamic stability, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2016), 2016, pp. 792-796.
37. Kim, D., Jang, J., Kim, T., Lee, J., Yoo, C., Han, S., Nam, Y., Seo, J., and Park, J., A study on the performance of the internal pilot operated metering valve, Proceedings of 2016 Spring Conference on Drive and Control, 2016, pp. 87-88.
36. Kim, Y., Seo, J., Moon, S., Lee, G., and Song, J., Analysis of excavator swing system’s behavior characteristics using multi-body dynamic simulations, Proceedings of 2016 Spring Conference on Drive and Control, 2016, pp. 57-58.
35. Seo, J., Lee, G., Song, J., Jung, D., Nam, Y., and Kim, J., Development of steering control algorithms and performance verification for all-terrain crane, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2016, pp. 125-126.
34. Kim, Y., Seo, J., Moon, S., Lee, G., Song, J., and Nam, Y., Study on real-time posture using dynamic simulation model for excavator automation, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2016, pp. 66-67.
33. Park, J., Koo, M., Lee, G., Seo, J., and Choi, J., Performance verification of wave energy converter using irregular waves, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2016, pp. 77-78.
32. Jung, C., Kim, S., Kim, S., Lee, J., Lee, G., and Seo, J., Development of an automatic RC excavator for the study of automatic excavator, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2016, pp. 154-155.
31. Noh, H., Song, J., Seo, J., and Kim, C., Design performance evaluation of all-terrain crane with multi-axle using dynamic analysis, Proceedings of KSAE 2016 Annual Spring Conference, 2016, pp. 301.
30 Oh, M., Seo, J., and Jung, S., Study on experiment and implementation of force control for an excavator system, Proceedings of 2016 31st Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) Annual Conference, 2016, pp. 357-358.
29. Kim, J., Cha, H., Park, Y., Seo, J., Choi, J., and Choi, J., An efficient flexible multibody simulation using enhanced Craig-Bampton method, Proceedings of the 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics Conference, 2016, 2 pages.
28. Oh, M., Seo, J., and Jung, S., Experimental studies on implementation of force control for an excavator system, Proceedings of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) 2015 Conference– Daejeon-Chungcheong Area Division, 2015, pp. 60-61.
27. Park, S., Oh, K., Park, J., Kim, J., Seo, J., Lee, G., and Yi, K, Development of an environment monitoring technology of working site for construction machinery based on laser scanner, Proceedings of the KSME Fall Annual Conference, 2015, pp. 279-284.
26. Seo, J., Kim, J., Park, J., and Kim, J., Development of control algorithms for all-terrain crane’s steering cylinders, Proceedings of Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 2015 Autumn Conference, 2015, vol. 20(2), pp. 183-184.
25. Oh, K., Seo, J., Song, J., Lee, G., Noh, H., Park, J., Kim, J., and Yi, K, Optimal steering of all-terrain cranes with MPC method, Proceedings of 2015 Autumn Conference on Drive and Control, 2015, pp. 115-117.
24. Oh, K., Seo, J., Kim, J., and Yi, K., An investigation on steering optimization for minimum turning radius of multi-axle crane based on MPC algorithm, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2015), 2015, pp. 1974-1977.
23. Song, J., Noh, H., Kim C., and Seo, J., A steering performance analysis for the multi-axle steering vehicle according to the location of steering pole, Proceedings of KSAE Annual Conference, 2015, pp. 737.
22. Seo, J., Song, J., Lee, G., and Kim, J., Modeling and analysis on hydraulic steering system of all-terrain crane, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2015, pp. 49-50.
21. Oh, K., Park, S., Seo, J., Kim, J., Lee, G., Park, J., and Yi, K., Development of a mobile safety alert system in construction site, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2015, pp. 47-48.
20. Park, S., Oh, K., Park, J., Kim, J., Seo, J., Lee, G., and Yi, K., Development of an environmental detection technology of working site for construction machinery safety system, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on IT Convergence Technology, 2015, pp. 51-52.
19. Oh, M., Seo, J., and Jung, S., A study on a sensorless valve control of an excavator using an input shaping method, Proceedings of 2015 30th Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) Annual Conference, 2015, pp.356-357.
18. Kim, C., Kim, J., Choi, S., Nam, Y., Lee, H., Song, J., Seo, J., Park, Y., and Lee, H., Development of a 120 ton all-terrain crane with artificial intelligence, Proceedings for the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (KSMTE) Annual Spring Conference 2015, pp. 11.
17. Song, J., Kang, T., Seo, J., and Lee, G., Dynamic modeling and verification for the driving system of a mobile crusher, Proceedings for the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (KSMTE) Annual Spring Conference 2015, 2015, pp. 211.
16. Park, J., Seo, J., Kim, H., Lee, G., and Park, S., Measurement and analysis of THD percussion drifter’s impact energy, Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 2014 Autumn Conference, 2014, vol. 19(2), pp. 27-28.
15. Oh, K., Kim, H., Ko, K., Kim, P., Seo, J., and Yi, K., Analysis of wheel loader dynamic characteristic with working load, Proceedings of IMSD2014-ACMD 2014 Conference, 2014, pp. 147-148.
14. Park, Y., Kim, J., Lee, G., Seo, J., Cho, H., Kang, D., Oh, S., and Lim, J., Lubrication system design of UAV gearbox, Proceedings of the 2014 Society Aerospace System Engineering (SASE) Spring Conference, 2014.
13. Noh, D., Jang, J., Park, S., Kim, H., Park, J, and Seo, J., Developing drifter hydraulic system analysis model, Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fluid Power & Construction Equipments, 2014, pp. 119-123, ISSN: 2234-8328.
12. Oh, K., Kim, H., Ko, K., Kim, P., Seo, J., and Yi, K., Simulation study of path planning and tracking for autonomous wheel loader, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on IT Convergence Technology of The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014, pp. 36-37, ISSN: 1226-4881.
11. Yun, S., Kim, H., Oh, K., Yi, K., and Seo, J., Analysis of hybrid powertrain configuration for wheel-loaders, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on IT Convergence Technology of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014, pp. 77-78, ISSN: 1226-4881.
10. Seo, J., Khajepour, A., and Huissoon, J., and Park, Y., On-line thermal control for injection moulding process, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2013, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7918-5591-1.
09. Seo, J., Choi, K., Nam, Y., and Lee, K., Influence of independent metering valve for excavators on energy saving, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on IT Convergence Technology of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013, pp. 67-68, ISSN: 1226-4881.
08. Seo, J., Khajepur, A., Huissoon, J., et al., Cooling performance of laminated die, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT 2013), 2013, pp. 261.
07. Choi, K., Nam, Y., Seo, J., et al., A study on energy reduction by independent metering valve for excavator, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT 2013), 2013, pp. 212.
06. Seo, J., Khajepur, A., Huissoon, J., et al., Temperature control strategy for laminated die system, Proceedings of the International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers 2012 (ICMTE 2012), 2012, pp. 260.
05. Choi, K., Seo, J., Lee, Y., et al, Energy-saving excavator system using independent metering valve configuration, Proceedings of the International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers 2012 (ICMTE 2012), 2012, pp. 275.
04.Choi, K., Nam, Y., Seo, J., et al., Modeling and analysis of excavator hydraulic system with independent metering valve, Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fluid Power & Construction Equipments, 2012, pp. 13-18, ISSN: 2234-8328.
03. Seo, J., Khajepour, A., and Huissoon, J., Thermal dynamic modeling and control of injection moulding process, Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS 2011), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2011, vol. 6752, pp. 102-111.
02. Seo, J., Khajepour, A., and Huissoon, J., Optimal sensor location to estimate temperature distribution in an injection mould, Proceedings of the ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 2011 (MSEC 2011), 2011, pp. 253-260.
01. Seo, J., Khajepour, A., and Huissoon, J., Modeling of thermal dynamics of dies using neural networks, Proceedings of the ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 2009 (MSEC 2009), 2009, pp. 445-454.